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Professor / Art Director /Ph.D  SHIGEKI INOUE
Faculty of Design, Graduate School of Design Kyushu University Art
Center for Designed Futures of Kyushu University
Previous positions: Guest research scholar at Institute of Technology Massachusetts 、Fellow at Institute for Human Centered Design 、Executive Manager at Hakuhodo Diversity Design.
Working on study and practice of “human centered design”, “social problem solving innovation”, “future design and social creation”

字幕とメディアの新展開: 多様な人々を包摂する福祉社会と共生のリテラシー 、青弓社、(共著)

・Shigeki Inoue, Yasushi Nakano,“Closed-Captions for Viewers with Low Vision: Caption Speed and New Tools”,205-215,Aging , Disability and Independence: Selected Papers from the 4th International Conference on Aging, Disability and Independence 2008,2008
・Shigeki Inoue, Yasushi Nakano “The Effects of Caption Speed on Viewers with Low Vision”,“Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Low Vision, Montreal, Quebec Canada,2008
・Shigeki Inoue, Yuriko Yamamoto, “Print Media for Viewer’s with Low Vision: The Effects of Distance and Visual Acuity on Legibility, “Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Low Vision, Montreal, Quebec, Canada July 7-11, 2008”,2008
・Shigeki Inoue , Yasunori Mori , Yasushi Nakano , Akira Yamamoto , Tetsuya Arai、The Effects of Universal Design on Graphic Arts、Part 1- Experiments with Newspaper Advertisements、O-021J ,International Universal Design Conference、2010

・Build Boston, Customer Centric Public Design, Boston Society of Architects, Boston,2007
・Homeownership Including Accessible Housing,U.S. Department of Health and Human Services、9th International Congress on Community Services for Children Youth and Families with Special Health Care Needs Convention,Washington,2008
・Universal Design in Advertising, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, 2008
The Importance of Universal Design in Developing Countries、AGS Annual Meeting, Tokyo University, 2010
・Build Boston, Inclusive/Socially Sustainable Design, Boston Society of Architects, Boston,2010