障害者権利条約10周年記念式典、国際連合主催、国際連合経済社会省、ICTsグルーバルイニシアティブ協会共催 テーマ:“テクノロジーによる障がい者の生活向上の展望“
場所:ニューヨーク 国連本部
障害者権利条約( CRPD ,Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities )10周年を記念して開催されたこの式典では、世界各国から招へいされた国連職員、市民団体、学識経験者、産業界などで構成される専門家が、障がい者の社会進出、持続可能な社会の創造にむけてのこの10年においての成果と今後の展望について話あいました。
10th Anniversary of the CRPDA United Nations Celebration, A joint session organized by UNDESA and G3ict
“Perspectives from innovators on how technology can expand opportunities “
Date: 2 ndDecember 2016
Place:New York United Nations Headquarters
Title: "Creative challenge for Diversity Society ” Dr. Shigeki Inoue
This session will review ten years of progress in implementing the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) to achieve inclusive, accessible and sustainable society and development. Experts from the United Nations, civil society, academia and industry will share their perspectives on the progress of disability rights, policies and programs promoted by the CRPD and discuss solutions to foster their implementation by States Parties, as they relate to the accessibility of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). The session will conclude with a discussion of priorities which CRPD States Parties and stakeholders may pursue for the next ten years.